Friday, February 01, 2008

The word 'Just'

I just say that word way too much. I write the way I talk, and so I use that word just way too much in my writing as well. So here's what I'm just going to do. I am imposing conversational and writing sanctions on that word. I will not have conversational or writing relations with that word. I am going to just try my best to not use that word in conversation and in writing. I'm not sure how long I'll do it, but I just need to decrease my interactions with that word. I need people to remind me as well. So if you're reading this and one day you and I are talking and I renew ties to that word, please gently remind me that using that word is against my policy and I should reconsider my actions. I maintain sovereignty over myself so I can still break that policy to my choosing. I request you to not use social sanctions against me nor cohersive means to fulfill your interests. It's true that we live in a socially anarchial state, where you nor I can request cohersion from a higher authority, but violent specialists control this country and have a monopoly on violence. Based on a cost-benefit analysis, it would be detrimental to your own sovereignty to break this agreement that you and I are now establishing. goes both ways. :)


Alan said...


Alan said...


Alan said...


Cannon said...

Sovereignty? I revoke that sovereignty and invoke sovereignty over that sovereignty I was just talking about several sovereignties ago. In other words, Risk tonight? Sweet!

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